WOD: From Littleton

Complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes at each station
30 seconds to rotate between stations

Station 1:
10 wall ball (20lb) or 45lb Thruster
10 sit ups

Station 2:
10 push ups
10 Bicycles (ct right leg only)

Station 3:
5 pull ups
10  box jumps (24/20”)

Station 4:
10 mountain climbers (ct right leg only)
10 Dual KB Cleans (45lb)

Station 5:
10 kettlebell swings (45lb)
10 double-unders

This one is gonna HURT oh soo good!  Don't be intimidated by all the different exercises, you should be able to commandeer a few peices of equipment and a small space and be fine (Bar or Wallball, Box, KB, Jump Rope)

My first question was...'wait, there are 2 exercises in the 4 minutes, what do I do, pick one?"  then it became clear, no it is basically an 5 sets of 4 min AMRAP.  So in Station 1, do 10 wall bal, then 10 situps, then 10 wall ball, then 10 sit ups until the time is up and write down total reps
Bicycles: You know these... lay on your back with your hands behind your head, alternate your legs from straight out to your chest and hit your knee with the opposite elbow.  Pay attention, you only count 1 rep when you've hit both legs
Mountain Climbers - like the bicycle upside down...hands and feet on the ground, pump your legs such that one is straight out and the other is tucked in to your chest and tap both toes on the ground, then jump into the opposite position
WOD: Slightly modified from OneWorld

Complete 25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
Box Jump (24")
KB Swing (45lb)
KB Goblet Squat (45lb)
Choose: Run 100m -or- 30 double Unders -or- 7 Burpees

NOTES: Feel free to use a DB instead of a KB...scale as needed
Also, the workout calls for the 100m run but I can't do taht at my gym so I arbitrarily made up some other items and the conversions may not be fair...too bad.  I will likely do double unders
WOD: Modified From Littleton
Modified “Linda”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 185lb
KB Swing: 45lb
Clean & Jerk: 115lb

Wendler Week 3/Day 3:
5 Reps @ 75% max (210lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (235lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (265lb)


WOD: (modified from OneWorld)
4 Rounds:
Alternate between (meaning 2 rounds of each)
1) 3 min
Run 400m
Max reps Deadlift @ 135lb
Rest 1 Min

2) 3 min
Row 400m (or run 400m if no rower)
Max reps KB Swing @ chosen weight (45lb for me)
Rest 1 Min

*NOTES: In other words, it is 4 - 4minute rounds.  You do your run/row and then use the rest of 3 minutes to do max reps of the movement, rest 1 minute, move onto next round.

Wendler Week 2/Day 3:
3 Reps @ 70% max (180lb)
3 Reps @ 80% max (210lb)
AMRAP @ 90% max (235lb)


Deadlift (185lb)
KB Swing (45lb)
Sit Up

Wendler Week 2/Day 1:
3 Reps @ 70% max (160lb)
3 Reps @ 80% max (185lb)
AMRAP @ 90% max (205lb)

30 Burpees
20 Russian KB Swings(85lb)
10 Wghtd Step ups Each leg (Box at mid-thigh)(45/35 Bumpers)
5 Dead Hang Pull ups
15 Burpees
10 Russian KB Swings
5 Wghtd Step ups Each leg
2 Dead hang Pullups

Likely we have to use a dumbbell as we don't have 85lb KBs.  This is a Russian Swing so go to about shoulder height
Weighted Step Up is just what it sounds like, step up onto a box with a bar on your shoulders
Back from two weeks in Europe!  It was fabulous and I walked about 5-10mi each day BUT I also ate more bread in a day than I eat in a year and drank 4-10 Guiness a day... oh right, and save for the one time I sprinted up a hill to get a better picture, no exercise.

Plan going forward is this....today is a quick detox WOD to get me back into the swing.  Then continue Wendler 4 days per week, with 2 of those days (squat and deadlift day) to have a Crossfit component after the lifting.  I will probably try to make one heavier and one lighter.  Joe should be joining along so hopefully more will too and Joe will also be posting a lighter and/or bodyweight type workout 1x per week.

Another note:  Summer is upon us which means different things to different people.  For me it means most weekends I am out of town or otherwise preoccupied and also that I will be playing softball 1-2 nights/week, bball 1 night, and hopefully golf at least 1 time.  In other words, I have all the great intentions of doing the workouts as I said above but some "weeks" may take 1.5 weeks, etc.  The important thing is that we all don't lose motivation or beat ourselves up for going to a cookout on a beautiful day instead of hitting the gym.

If you made it this far, your reward is the following:
Quick warmup for future Wendler:
Squat @ 60% (135lb) 3x3
Deadlift @ 135 3x5
Overhead press @ 65lb 3x5
Bench @ 105 3x5

WOD: From OneWorld
50 KB Swing
10 Double Under (or sub singles...or tuck jumps)
40 KB Swing
20 DU
30 KB
30 DU
20 KB
40 DU
10 KB
50 DU
Wendler Week 1/Day 3:
5 Reps @ 65% max (175lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (205lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (230lb)


WOD: Really cool one stolen from Littleton
10 Rounds of 30 Double-Unders. Each time you break your double-unders, you must complete the remaining number of movements as an exercise to equal 30. For example, round 1 you get 30 double-unders, you completed that round. Round 2 you get 18 double-unders – you must complete 12 push-ups prior to moving on to round 3.

ROUND 3 – KB SWINGS (45lb)
ROUND 6 – STS (25lb plate)
ROUND 9 – HALF MOONS (25lb plate)

Today is Rx’d or Scale 3. If you are not solid enough with DU’s to ever stand a chance of getting 30 you should scale to 20 DU’s, then 15 DU’s, then 90 Singles etc.

*Post times
*STS is a side-to-side which in my mind is when you sit on your butt, hold your feet just off the ground and hit the weight on the ground on your left, then your right (that is 1 rep)
*Half moon - here is a video, but basically its like a side-to-side while standing up.  The object (plate or ball) should start on the ground on one side of your feet, bring it up, over your head and to the other side (like making a half moon!).  In this case, each time it passes your head you count it as a rep.
*I will be using 20 DU as my target, if I get 20, I am in the clear, but if I get less than 20, I will do reps up to 30.  So, if you can't do DU and want to do 50 or 90 singles, just try to figure out what a reasonable "penalty" should be based on the Rx version

3 rounds:
Run 400 yards*
50 Air Squats
25 KB Swings (35lb)
*2nd round run should be done carrying your kettlebell

Reminder: All KB swings should be over the head from now on.
From Littleton:

25 Deadlifts 175lb/115
25 GH Situps
25 KB Swings 32kg/20kg
25 Toes To Bar
25 Hang Power Cleans (155lb/103)

Scale 1:
(145/70 deadlift)

Scale 2:
(115/70 Deadlift)
Partial ROM GHDS’s

I am likely doing Scale 3:
Deads 175lb
KB Swing 45lb
Hang Power Clean: unsure, but maybe 135lb